Posted by Roger Vlasos
Century21 At the Beach
Playas del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
(Inmfocom) — The province of Guanacaste will benefit from the injection of 114.7 billion colones (some $225 million) between 2009 and 2010, as outlined in an Action Plan unveiled last July 25 during the President’s Cabinet meeting in Nicoya.
According to Planning and Economic Policy Minister Roberto Gallardo, this plan seeks to solve historical problems affecting the region, such as water and environmental management, poverty and lack of proper infrastructure.
The Guanacaste Action Plan was prepared by the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy (MIDEPLAN) in collaboration with municipalities, government institutions and private industry representatives, as well as with presidential delegates and Guanacaste legislators. Gallardo thanked all those sectors and individuals who contributed to the plan, which seeks to energize the province’s development.
The funds earmarked as part of this initiative will go to three key areas: integrated water resources management, solid waste management and regulatory plans; production, infrastructure and energy; and access to public services, education, health, housing and security.
The first target area will receive 14.2 billion colones; some 50.5 billion colones will be allocated to the second area; and the third priority will be given almost 50 billion colones.
A commission, led by the Planning Minister, will provide follow up to the Guanacaste Action Plan’s goals. Gallardo and seven province representatives will draft and semiannual and annual reports.
The second workshop for drafting of the plan took place recently, with participation from organizations responsible for development in the province. The June 6 meeting gathered 63 representatives from 45 public entities and eight community and private organizations.
Among the players in this process are national institution such as the Costa Rican Water and Sewer Institute (AyA), the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE), the Ministry of Public Education (MEP), the Ministry of the Environment and Energy (MINAE), the Police Force, the Costa Rican Social Security System (CCSS), and the Costa Rican Fishing Institute (INCOPESCA). There are also regional organizations, including the Liberia Chamber of Tourism and the Abangares and La Cruz Associations Union.
Workshop participants utilized the information provided by municipal representatives in the previous meeting.
At the second workshop, attendees spoke about potential solutions to Guanacaste’s most pressing problems. Proposals were compiled by MIDEPLAN functionaries to be used in drafting the Guanacaste Action Plan, which was then presented before President Oscar Arias on the anniversary of Guanacaste’s annexation to Costa Rica.