Posted by Roger Vlasos
Century21 At the Beach
Playas del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
(Infocom) – Costa Ricans experienced this Holy Week in many different ways. The main cities remained empty for the most part; many opted for staying at home with their families; while others decided to leave the urban centers to visit relatives and friends in the provinces as well as to enjoy beaches, mountains and other tourist destinations. It is estimated that more than 1 million people traveled to spend Easter away from home.
In a country such as Costa Rica, where the majority of the population professes the Catholic faith, Holy Week still represents an opportunity to make a pause in the busy road of life and spend time with loved ones, have a spiritual renewal or participate in the traditions of this season — including religious activities such as processions and other church events and, of course, the enjoyment of favorite Easter eats such as seafood, tuna sardines, heart of palm, encurtidos (pickled vegetables), and homemade desserts including rice pudding, ring-shaped cheese bread, and preserves of coconut or chiverre (a type of pumpkin).
Still others took advantage of the Holy Week break to go on vacation, as a last chance to enjoy the country’s beaches before the rainy season settles in, especially this year, when forecasts have predicted an early arrival of the wet stuff as a result of the La NiƱa weather phenomenon.
Just like in years past, Guanacaste’s beaches were a top destination. Area hotels and cabins had a high occupancy during this time, and restaurants equally took advantage of the large influx of visitors.
Officials with the Traffic Police General Office estimated that at least one million Costa Ricans traveled during the Holy Week, or Easter season.
The National Chamber of Tourism (CANATUR) polled its members to find out which destinations are most popular among Easter vacationers.
By early March, according to data collected from 44 CANATUR members in different parts of the country, Guanacaste and Puntarenas were atop the list of favorite destinations.
According to Gonzalo Vargas, CANATUR President, the survey is important to learn about the behavior of national tourists as far as their preferred travel regions and destinations.